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Hautverjüngende pflanzliche Stammzellen

Skin-rejuvenating plant stem cells

Plant stem cells have a profound effect on the function of human stem cells, stimulating skin renewal, delaying skin aging and supporting the skin's ability to protect and regenerate itself. Their role is to promote and restore the proper functioning of existing cells in the body and restore proper cellular function.
Cosmetology has been studying the mechanisms of action of stem cells on the skin for some time, as there are numerous studies that show that plant stem cells can influence the function of human stem cells. Stem cell research not only plays an important role in regenerative medicine, but can also bring about significant changes in skin function through its regenerative ability.

As you can see in my product range, I personally prefer to use plant stem cells in my products because, due to their mechanism of action, they play an outstanding role in skin rejuvenation and are an excellent ingredient in various anti-aging serums.

In the context of cosmetology, adult stem cells in the skin will be a priority. These stem cells are multipotent, that is, they can only regenerate the organs in which they are present, such as the skin.
Adult stem cells are found throughout the face and contain all the genetic programs essential for skin function.

These adult epidermal stem cells divide, migrate to the surface of the skin and form the specific cells of the different skin layers. They ensure the permanent renewal and reorganization of the skin and increase their activity when the skin is damaged or injured. Recent research shows that the number of adult stem cells does not decrease over time, only their activity decreases.

Plant stem cells are the source of meristem cells that enable the organism to grow. Undifferentiated, proliferating cells; they control the repair of the damaged plant.

Meristem is embryonic tissue that arises from totipotent cells and can regenerate new organs or even an entire plant. 

The gene pool of the organism's stem cells is the same as that of the body's cells, which are regulated by various epigenetic factors. They are present in all multicellular organisms, but plant stem cells have epigenetic factors that can influence the function of human stem cells.

For these reasons, I have developed facial serums containing plant stem cells, as they have excellent skin-transforming properties. I chose stem cells from plants, which have a significant antioxidant and cell-regenerating effect.

Vitamin C from Cranberry Stem Cell Serum is powerful not only because of its regenerating effect but also because of the concentration of ingredients in the product. The high vitamin C content and significant skin regenerating and anti-aging effect of cranberry stem cells are enhanced by the synergy of ferulic acid. Thanks to cranberry stem cells, high vitamin C content and antioxidant ingredients, it is an effective anti-wrinkle, anti-aging and anti-aging agent that provides strong protection to the skin from sun damage and free radicals. Its active ingredients stimulate collagen production in the skin, thus regenerating sun-damaged skin in a short time. Regulates skin pigmentation, fades dark spots and acne scars, lightens age spots and liver spots.

My latest stem cell preparation is the Rose & Acai Complex Serum with Orange Stem Cells. It has a lighter texture than the Vitamin C Serum, so customers with sensitive skin have the option of using a more powerful anti-aging formula. In addition to the excellent ORAC value and anti-aging effect of the Acai berries, I chose the Damask Rose for its wonderful aromatic properties and the Orange Stem Cell for its vitalizing, activating and cellular activity stimulating effect. It contains epigenetic factors that play an important role in the function of the stem cells that help the skin to constantly renew itself. These factors can also promote the activity and regeneration of the skin's own stem cells.

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